Paddling Waterfalls, and the mysteries of life

Well, it seems I’m back. I’ve had a long break to think about the meaning of life (even if we know that the answer is 42). To find things that I am truly passionate about, and to write about them, make movies about them. To assist in the education of the world to a better place- and to kill flies!
Sah-riously; our world, and we, are evolving at an exponential pace – and its through the magic of the internet that we are creating a giant brain out of our world. The infinite interconnectivity that we are creating is the next evolutionary link to helping life survive.
In the interests of a habitable earth, with prosperity for all, here are observations and demonstrations of where we might be heading….. The contents may seem obscure at first, but read the text and let yourself be drawn in. If you still feel the same the morning after, even in a diminished capacity, then start your own research. Stay on the light side…. But don’t be a goodie-goodie.



Paddling waterfalls is the most, well, close to the most (they vie for attention), amazing thing I have ever done- and I have done some pretty amazing things…
It’s the back end of a tar dream, the relief that it was only a nightmare, the last gasp of the most amazing sunset. It’s a razor on the edge of life, and every one of your senses are sharpened.
It is to take your life, literally, into your own hands, on your own recognition and to say, “I am responsible enough to do this, and, if not, I’m prepared to pay the price.” If you don’t have that attitude you cannot paddle white water, and you certainly cannot paddle waterfalls.

But, stoking up just a little courage and tackling each challenge judiciously, you’ll end up at the lip of that fall and find out what you are made of. It’s a powerful challenge and one that may be tackled in any sphere. You have to be as brave as to plunge over a waterfall, as you need to be to challenge a boss; or to stand up for what is right, when that’s not cool…
To paddle waterfalls, to challenge life, you need to be that kind of person who says, “that’s enough”. To get outrageously mad, incensed and determined. These people kick at the foundation of all we know or hold true- and they are the new explorers into our zeitgiest’s “New World”..

It is an exploration into the potential of our minds- and there are jewels in the searing and deep canyons, that are found in each or our minds, and their equivalent peaks. We desire to see the world, but often neglect exploring the world we have within ourselves. There are the darkest and lightest paths in this jungle that lurks inside us.
In moments when you poise yourself at a precipice, is when you find what you are made of; that is the allure of waterfalls…

I salute you, the new young breed, the Evan Garcia’s, et al; all of you wondrous gods who paddle waterfalls and respectful rivers. From the tentative grade 2 novice to the backward somersaulting, nonchalant, professional grace of Evan and his ilk, thank you so much for allowing us older paddlers to show off the grandeur and beauty of rivers as we have seen them all of our lives…. but have never been able to share, so intimately, with others; nor with such skill!
I love what is being shown about how wonderful, powerful and fulfilling rivers are. Seeing rivers from a low down, deep-in-it point of view pulls forward a very powerful image of the beauty of our rivers; all over the world. It serves to realize how fragile and important our water assets are.

We need to work towards keeping trash (in all its insidious forms; plastic, chemical waste, effluent…) out of our rivers. We need to show that rivers are beautiful, powerful, mesmerising and worthy of attention; at the expense of our survival should we attempt ignore this (and many other) issues.

This does not mean that we should discard the apparent problems in our society, nor the allure of profitable chemicals. We must instil a mind-set that values life, and earth, above all, but not exclusively. We will, as part of our desire to live, protect our species, but I feel that the collective consciousness is becoming ever stronger, and that we will ensure the continuation of life as we know it best; for good and for bad. The continuation of LIFE is our primal drive. That collective conscious is hurtling us along a path that will, I hope, lead to all beings alive living in harmony with one another.

I feel that the good part of mankind is gaining a foothold; and ‘good’ is not meant in that sycophantic, religious, Save-my-RSE crap, but rather the kind of goodness that comes from understanding; ourselves and those around us. The understanding that you get from the education you receive on the shoulders of others- the kind that propels us to become a better race.

You needn’t believe just me, have a look at:
{it’ll change your life, if you have that mettle in you….}

About rawhyde

Aircraft Manufacture, Engineering and Flying
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